Does the far right want to impose on the French people the consumption of new GMOs without their knowledge?

Jordan Bardella, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 

Mister Bardella,

Despite your lacklustre presence and work as Vice-President of the ID Group in the European Parliament, I wished to put to you a simple question.

As Dr Jekyll, will you opt to deceive our fellow citizens by forcing New GMOs in their diner plates and compelling them to eat New GMOs without their knowledge?

It appears from the ongoing negotiations in the European Parliament that you support every aspect of the draft regulation on New GMOs written by the very Commission you claim to hate so much, and to support the text hand in hand with the EPP’s right wing. But what does this text say? It allows 90% of new GMOs to make their way to our diner table and our fields with no kind of preliminary assessment, with no kind of traceability, with no kind of consumer information, and without allowing farmers to make a free choice whether to use them or not.

What say you of the opinion published in late December by the French National Health Security Agency (ANSES) that found the European Commission’s choices to lack a scientific foundation, calling into question the deregulation of New GMOs?

French citizens must be informed of the decisions you take in Brussels and Strasbourg so they can make an informed choice when they cast their vote come June. By supporting this text, you turn you back on the rights of citizens, on people’s health, only to play into the hand of the ultraliberals and the multinational corporations developing these products that stand to greatly profit from their sale and deregulation.

But once off the Thalys train, you French alter-ego is perfectly capable of declaring, at the last livestock farming conference (last October, dedicated to free trade agreements): « We must stop exposing our agriculture to products that come from the other side of the world, that do not respect any of our health, social, and environmental standards […]. »

So when in France, in order to secure electoral gains you speak out against the lack of transparency on food but, when in the European Parliament, it’s « move along, nothing to see there »!?

I’m curious to know what you will tell the French people when you tour the country after the vote of this legislation. Will you take responsibility for bringing doubt and uncertainty in their homes and in their fridges? Are you ready to shoulder the weight of a new GMO scandal?

Will you choose lies and double talk as you usually do, as your political family relentlessly does on every issue? Your work to end your party’s demonisation is colliding with the test of reality and concrete issues. You cannot suppress facts or obscure your split personality forever, you cannot whitewash your game of illusion.

I, for certain, won’t let you get away with it. Be it in Brussels, in Strasbourg, in Paris or across France, I’ll keep asking the same question until I get a clear answer: well then Mister Bardella, Mister Vice-President of the ID Group in the European Parliament, New GMOs, are you voting in favour, or against?

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